Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Comeback Kid: Scott Storch

After a public bankruptcy and fall from elite producer status, a reinvigorated Scott Storch is looking to make a comeback.

In a recent interview with Details Magazine, Storch revealed how his cocaine addiction and lavish spending lend to the dissolution of a $70 million empire grossed through hits from Beyonce, Chris Brown, Dr. Dre, and various others.

“"I was clubbing, drunk, and had more money than I knew what to do with,” Storch admitted. “We'd be at a club and I'd decide to take everyone to Las Vegas. Do more coke, f**k a bunch of girls. Be up for two days and decide at 11AM in the morning to go buy a Rolls-Royce. I probably bought 10 cars when I was high.”

Last year, Storch’s financial woes became public via news that his $10 million dollar Palm Beach, Florida mansion was in danger of foreclosure.

With the housing market in shambles and $7 million remaining on the mortgage, Storch elected to move in with a friend while hoping a miracle sale happens.

"I was burning through about $250,000 a month, mostly on partying. I was spending money I had no business spending,” he stated. Aside from the money issues, Storch is now attempting to rebuild his industry reputation.

To that end, he’s secured recent production for Chris Brown, Usher, Gucci Mane, and Jennifer Hudson.

For Storch, the focus is now proving to major labels his sound can still be viable in today’s market.

"People have too short a memory," he explained. “People will see that everything is intact.” This year, Storch has already placed production for The Game, Ludacris, NeYo, Mario, and Robin Thicke.



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